Is [insert game] compatible with Lime3DS?
You can view Lime3DS's game compatibility by visiting our compatibility tracker.
The compatibility reports may be outdated, so feel free to test your games and report your findings here.
Why does nothing happen when I open Lime3DS?
There are 2 executables that come with Lime3DS named 'lime3ds', and 'lime3ds-room'.
Please ensure you are opening the program named 'lime3ds'.
Why does Lime3DS crash repeatedly?
Please ensure that your device reaches the minimum specifications required to use Lime3DS.
You can find these in our GitHub readme.
What does the error 'MSVCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT.dll not found' mean?
If this error appears while using the Windows MSVC version of Lime3DS, it means that you have not installed the required Visual C++ Redistributable package.
You can download this here. The issue should disappear after it is installed.
Will Lime3DS ever have support for iOS?
Support for iOS is not planned for the foreseeable future. It is instead recommended that you use an iOS build of the original Citra emulator.
Have any other questions? Feel free to ask for help in our Discord server.